Common Causes of Impotence

Impotence or erectile dysfunction are medical terms used to define physical manifestations of male sexual inadequacy. Impotence is essentially the inability to achieve or sustain an erection sufficient for normal sex-acts. Erectile dysfunctions can be both temporary and permanent.

Some common physical causes of impotence can be attributed to high blood pressure, elevated cholesterol, low serum testosterone level, decreased cerebral blood flow, hypertension, poor dietary quality, smoking, obesity, anxiety, recreational drug abuse and psychiatric illness. Impotence has various consequences. Most commonly, it affects a man's sexual desire. Moreover, it can also affect his emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It is therefore important that, as a part of one's medical check up, certain risk factors for impotence are investigated and taken into consideration.

Among the known causes of impotence are age (elderly, female, and postmenopausal), injury, disease, neurological disorders and side effects of medications like nitroglycerine, alcohol, lithium, calcium channel blockers, creatine, estrogen and other hormone therapy formulations, and cardiovascular conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, coronary artery disease, unstable angina, peripheral arterial blockage, and unstable angina syndrome. The mechanism of these complications is blocked arteries resulting in increased blood flow to the genitals. These increased blood flows trigger hormonal changes which can impair sperm production. There are also other causes of impotence like infections, hormonal imbalances and immune system deficiency. Immune system deficiency leads to autoimmune diseases which cause compromised immunity to pathogens.

One of the known causes of impotence is coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a condition wherein fatty deposits called atheromas accumulate in the walls of the heart arteries. These atheromas, when enlarged, obstruct normal blood flow and cause blockages in the coronary arteries thus reducing the oxygenation capacity of the heart muscle. When this happens, the heart is deprived of oxygenated blood which can lead to cardiac arrest and death. This is the second main cause of impotence, and it can be expected that other causes are still waiting to be discovered.

Another common cause of impotence is heart disease. It can either be congenital or acquired. congenital impotence refers to physical causes like those caused by genetics such as dysmorphic facial features. Acquired impotence may occur due to past heart attacks, clots or other heart conditions. Heart disease may lead to decreased oxygenation of the brain and may lead to the development of cerebrovascular problems like stroke, myocardial infarction, or ischemia.

Besides these, impotence can also be caused by psychological factors like stress, depression, anxiety, or obsessive compulsive disorders. These psychological problems are known as underlying causes of impotence. The best way to treat impotence is to treat its underlying cause. There are several treatment options for this purpose. The most effective are cognitive-behavioral therapy, lifestyle counseling, and biofeedback. Click here for more details about 壯陽藥


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