What to Look for in Energy Efficient Bulbs
Energy efficiency has become a very important issue in today's society because it directly affects a country's budget and the way that energy is used in the home. The energy usage for heating and cooling can have a direct affect on the amount of money a family receives in their monthly utility bill. Energy efficiency can also be directly linked to the health of a family. Living a healthy lifestyle can reduce both medical and health costs. There are many different ways families can save energy and money. One way to save energy is to change out all the light bulbs in the house when they go out. This will allow you to save money on your energy bill each month because the bulbs will be new energy efficient models. It may be necessary to replace the light fixtures in the bathroom, kitchen, bedroom, hallways and anywhere else where there are traditional lights. Using CFL bulbs or an LED light bulb which uses less energy is an excellent example of energy efficiency in use. Replacing ...